
Science does not explain away God, it point to Him

         So I'm not an expert when it comes to the realm of science (or anything remotely smart for that matter), but I think it's safe to say that as humans we haven't known scientific fact in history the way that we do now. For example "smart" people back in the day thought that the world was flat etc. Here are a few thing for people to chew on that think that science has explained away God.
         In 1492 "when Columbus sailed the ocean blue" they thought that if you traveled far enough out to sea you would fall off the face of the earth. But We see in the Old Testament book of Isaiah which was written app. 700 years before the birth of Jesus, which was about 2,100 years before Columbus it says this, "It is He who sits above the CIRCLE of the earth, and it's inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, who spreads them like a tent to dwell in." (Isaiah 40:22) Also we see in Proverbs, "When he established the heavens .... when he drew a CIRCLE on the face of the deep." (Proverbs 8:27) One of the oldest writings in the history of the world is the book of Job in the Old Testament, and it says, "He has inscribed a CIRCLE on the face of the waters." All of these prophets were writing as if they had the correct perspective of the earth, which they did, GOD'S.
         Another verse that gets me is Job 26:7 which says, "He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing." CRAZY!! We weren't even able to measure gravity until Albert Einstein's huge brain showed up on the scene. Yet Job, the oldest writer in the book tells us quite accurately that the earth is floating in space hanging on nothing! Here's how I would describe gravity, "[Jesus] Who being the brightness of His [God's] glory and the express image of His person, upholding all things by the Word of His power." (Hebrews 1:3)
         And about Meteorology Job says this, "For He draws up drops of water, which distill as rain from the mist, which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man. Indeed can anyone understand the spreading of clouds, the thunder from His canopy?" (Job 36:27-29) These writers had God's perspective on the way that things work. The only way that they could've done this in their time was to know the God of the universe. "Well maybe they were just smart guys who knew the way that things work," you might say, "That doesn't mean that they had God's perspective on things." Well then to that I reply like this. 1) If "smart" people say that science has explained away the God of the bible or, that people in the bible simply explained things as "God" that really had scientific explanation, you don't give the human authors of the bible enough credit. They were wise. And they were wise enough to give credit where credit is due. 2)It would be one thing if science had proven these verses false, but they haven't. In fact they have proven that these writers were correct. It's because of these verses that we see that God does not go against science and science does not go against God. God created science and I'm sure that he delights in the fact that we are using our God given brains to figure out why stuff is the way it is, but I'm sure he doesn't delight in the fact that we try to take credit for it, as if we had anything to do with why it is the way it is. When we have some grand scientific breakthrough to some truth, know that it is the fingerprint of the God of the universe, the one who spoke it into existence. He was the one who gave you the ability to find truth, to reason, to think. So when you come across these discoveries don't think that it leads to a denial of the existence of God, but the opposite. It should point us toward Him. I leave these verses to you. The God of the bible is the Creator of science and the ultimate Scientist. He was around long before the foundations of the world. It's amazing what you can learn about the God of the universe when you take His word for what it is. True!